Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNVARTV-ART namespace;
|oCActionA coordinated movement of joints in an articulated body
|oCAddressLocatorLocates a SceneNode by its memory address
|oCBaseActionAnimations. Transformations acting through time. Abstract class
||\CInitializerAction Initializer
|oCBezierA Bezier curve
|oCBiaxialJointA joint with two rotational degrees of freedom
|oCCondylarJointFixMe: This class is not implementated yet
|oCSaddlelJointFixMe: This class is not implementated yet
|oCEllipsoidJointFixMe: This class is not implementated yet
|oCBoundingBoxAxis aligned bounding box
|oCBoxA box
|oCCallBackAn object that is activated in a callback-like scheme
|oCCameraVirtual camera
|oCCollectorA scene node operator that collects nodes of some kind
|oCColorRGBA color representation
|oCConeA cone
|oCCurveA paramteric curve in 3D/4D space
|oCCylinderA cylinder or cone
|oCDescriptionLocatorLocates a SceneNode by its description
|oCDMModifierAn object that modifies noisy dof movers
|oCDofDegree Of Freedom - basic component of a Joint
|oCDofMoverController for DOF movement
|oCDotA graphical point
|oCFileA File is a system indepentend representation for methods that work with files
|oCGraphicObjAn scene node that is associated with a shape
|oCHermiteInterpolatorHermite Spline interpolation
|oCIKChainInverse Kinematic Chain
|oCInterpolatorInterpolator representation
|oCJointRepresentation of joints
|oCJointActionA coordinated movement of joints in an articulated body
|oCJointMoverControllers for joint movement
|oCLightRepresents a light source
|oCLinearInterpolatorLinear interpolation
|oCMaterialMaterial properties for graphical objects
|oCMemoryObjA "Memory Object" is a V-ART object that has some memory allocation attributes, allowing V-ART to auto deallocate its memory space
|oCMeshA mesh is part of an graphical object, in which faces are made of vertices according to some rule of formation
|oCMeshObjectGraphical object made of polygon meshes
|oCModifierA modifier controls how one DOF influences other DOF
|oCNaturalInterpolatorAn interpolator for natural joint movement
|oCNoisyDofMoverNoisy Controller for DOF movement
|oCPointAbstract class that provides a common base for point and vector classes
|oCPoint4DPoints and vectors using homogeneous coordinates
|oCPointLightPoint light source
|oCPolyaxialJointA joint with three rotational degrees of freedom
|oCPolyLineA PolyLine is a sequence of lines, defined by a list of points
|oCRangeSineInterpolatorSmooth (sine function) interpolator with range
|oCSceneA set of objects, lights and cameras
|oCSceneNodeBase class for objects that compose a scene graph
|oCSGPathScene Graph Path
|oCSineInterpolatorSmooth (sine function) interpolator
|oCSNLocatorScene Node Locator – used to find a particular object in the scene graph
|oCSNOperatorObjects that process scene nodes
|oCSphereA sphere
|oCSpotLightSpot Light representation
|oCTexture2D image to use as texture
|oCTimeElapsed time representation
|oCTransformGeometric transformations
|oCUniaxialJointA joint with one rotational degrees of freedom
|oCXmlActionParser and loader for xml files that describe an Action
|oCXmlBaseBasic methods for reading XML files
||oCErrorHandlerProvides pretty errors messages for Xerces
||oCTempCStringClass for auto conversion from Xerces strings to C strings
||\CXercesStringClass for auto conversion from C strings to Xerces strings
|oCXmlJointActionParser and loader for xml files that describe an JointAction
\CPickNameFinderA SNLocator that is used to find an object by its pick name