std::list< Dof * > dofChain
Chain (list) of DOFs.
Header file for V-ART class "Dof".
Points and vectors using homogeneous coordinates.
Point4D targetPos
Target position.
void MoveTowardsSolution()
Adjusts the chain towards solution.
void SetTargetPosition(const Point4D &target)
Sets the target position.
Point4D eePosition
Position of end effector.
Header file for V-ART class "SGPath".
Point4D eeOrientation
Orientation of end effector.
IKChain(SGPath path, Point4D eePos, Point4D eeOri)
Main constructor.
Header file for V-ART class "Point4D".
void SetEEPosition(const Point4D &eePos)
Sets the position of End Effector.