Base class for objects that compose a scene graph.
Points and vectors using homogeneous coordinates.
float size
The size (in pixels) of the point on screen.
Header file for V-ART class "GraphicObj".
VART::Dot & operator=(const VART::Dot &dot)
Copies all data from an dot to another.
virtual VART::SceneNode * Copy()
Returns a copy of an dot. Every derived class must reimplements.
RGBA color representation.
Point4D position
The point's position.
Color color
The point's color.
An scene node that is associated with a shape.
virtual bool DrawInstanceOGL() const
Draws the point.
Creates an initialized point.
virtual void ComputeBoundingBox()
Computes the bounding box.
Header file for V-ART class "Color".
Header file for V-ART class "Point4D".