71 GLenum GLOrganizationType()
78 std::vector< VART::Point4D > vertexVec;
83 #endif // VART_POLYLLINE_H
void AddVertex(VART::Point4D &vertex)
Adds a vertex at the end of the list of vertices.
void Setvertex(unsigned int i, VART::Point4D vertex)
Sets the vertex at index i.
Base class for objects that compose a scene graph.
Creates a empty PolyLine.
Header file for V-ART class "Material".
Points and vectors using homogeneous coordinates.
Header file for V-ART class "GraphicObj".
A PolyLine is a sequence of lines, defined by a list of points.
virtual bool DrawOGL() const
Recursive drawing using OpenGL commands.
Destroy all PolyLine data.
virtual VART::SceneNode * Copy()
Return a copy of the PolyLine.
An scene node that is associated with a shape.
Material properties for graphical objects.
void SetLineWidth(float width)
Sets the width of the lines.
VART::PolyLine & operator=(const VART::PolyLine &polyLine)
Copies all polyLine data to another PolyLine.
const VART::Material & GetMaterial()
Returns the current material of the PolyLine.
virtual void ComputeBoundingBox()
Computes the bounding box of the PolyLine.
void SetMaterial(const VART::Material &material)
Assigns a material to all lines of the PolyLine.
OrganizationType organization
The vertex organization.
float GetLineWidth()
Returns the width of the lines.
void Clear()
Clear all vertices in the PolyLine.