This is the complete list of members for VART::XmlScene, including all inherited members.
AddCamera(Camera *newCamera) | VART::Scene | |
AddLight(Light *newLight) | VART::Scene | |
AddLight(const Light &newLight) | VART::Scene | |
AddObject(SceneNode *newObjectPtr) | VART::Scene | |
background | VART::Scene | protected |
cameras | VART::Scene | protected |
ChangeAllCamerasViewVolume(float horScale, float verScale) | VART::Scene | |
ComputeBoundingBox() | VART::Scene | |
documentPtr | VART::XmlBase | protected |
DrawLightsOGL() const | VART::Scene | |
DrawOGL(Camera *cameraPtr=NULL) const | VART::Scene | virtual |
GetAllSceneJoints() | VART::Scene | |
GetAllSceneTypeObject(SceneNode::TypeID type) | VART::Scene | |
GetAttributeValue(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNamedNodeMap *nodePtr, const char itemName[], float *valuePtr) | VART::XmlBase | protectedstatic |
GetAttributeValue(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNamedNodeMap *nodePtr, const char itemName[], std::string *valuePtr) | VART::XmlBase | protectedstatic |
GetAttributeValue(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNamedNodeMap *nodePtr, const char itemName[], bool *valuePtr) | VART::XmlBase | protectedstatic |
GetBackgroundColor() | VART::Scene | |
GetBoundingBox() const | VART::Scene | inline |
GetCamera(const std::string &cameraName) | VART::Scene | |
GetCameras() | VART::Scene | |
GetCurrentCamera() const | VART::Scene | |
GetDescription() | VART::Scene | inline |
GetLight(const std::string &lightName) | VART::Scene | |
GetLights() | VART::Scene | |
GetNumLights() const | VART::Scene | inline |
GetObject(const std::string &objectName) const | VART::Scene | |
GetObjectRec(const std::string &objectName) const | VART::Scene | |
GetObjects() | VART::Scene | |
lights | VART::Scene | protected |
loadDofs(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNode *node, std::list< Dof * > *dofs) | VART::XmlScene | |
LoadFromFile(const std::string &fileName) | VART::XmlScene | |
LoadMeshFromFile(std::string filen, std::string type, std::string meshName) | VART::XmlScene | |
LoadScene(const std::string &basePath) | VART::XmlScene | |
LoadSceneNode(XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMNode *sceneList, const std::string &basePath) | VART::XmlScene | |
MakeCameraViewAll() | VART::Scene | |
objects | VART::Scene | protected |
ParseFile(const std::string &fileName) | VART::XmlBase | protected |
parserPtr | VART::XmlBase | protected |
Pick(int x, int y, std::list< GraphicObj * > *resultListPtr) | VART::Scene | |
Scene() | VART::Scene | |
SetAllCamerasAspectRatio(float newAspectRatio) | VART::Scene | |
SetBackgroundColor(Color color) | VART::Scene | |
SetBBoxVisibility(bool value) | VART::Scene | inline |
SetBoundingBox(double minX, double minY, double minZ, double maxX, double maxY, double maxZ) | VART::Scene | |
SetCamera(const std::string &cameraName) | VART::Scene | |
SetCamerasAspectRatio(const std::string &cameraDescription, float newAspectRatio) | VART::Scene | |
SetDescription(const std::string &newDescr) | VART::Scene | inline |
Terminate() | VART::XmlBase | protected |
ToggleBBoxVisibility() | VART::Scene | inline |
Unreference(const SceneNode *sceneNodePtr) | VART::Scene | |
UseNextCamera() | VART::Scene | |
UsePreviousCamera() | VART::Scene | |
XmlBase() | VART::XmlBase | protected |
XmlPrintOn(std::ostream &os) const | VART::Scene | |
XmlScene() | VART::XmlScene | |
~Scene() | VART::Scene | virtual |
~XmlScene() | VART::XmlScene |