Bug List
Class VART::MemoryObj
GLUT applications must call glutMainLoop which never returns, therefore stdlib's exit function must be called to end an application. This prevents stack objects from being destructed, which makes the creation on memory management policies based on destructors a lot harder. It is recommended that key objects in the application (the scene, the viewer, the lights) are declared "static" to ensure activation of their destructors upon application exit.
Member VART::MeshObject::Optimize ()
Not implemented yet.
Member VART::MeshObject::ReadFromOBJ (const std::string &filename, std::list< MeshObject * > *resultPtr)
Currently reads only triangle meshes.
filename[in] The file (Wavefront OBJ file) name.
resultPtr[out] The address of an empty list of pointers to mesh objects to be filled with the addresses of newly allocated mesh objects.
True is returned if filename could be read. False otherwise. Note that if a empty file is read, true is returned, but the resultPtr list will be returned empty.
Class VART::SpotLight
Currently unmaintained. A spot light is an ordinary light plus: attenuation, beamWidth, cutOffAngle, direction and radius.
Class VART::XmlAction
Memory allocated for interpolators is never released.